Visiting the Arctic

There are few places on earth that are as fascinating as the high arctic. It’s a very hostile environment that makes it a harsh place to live. Still several species managed to find their niche “up there”. Seeing this environment and it’s inhabitants was the reason for not going to a warm golden beach for summer vacation but to do something different this year. Finally after some forth and back we’ve decided to go on a cruise around Svalbard with the MS Expedition called “Realm of the Polar Bear in Depth”. Don’t compare this to a luxury cruise in the south sea, the focus of this trip is to visit a very remote region, see stunning landscapes and watch wildlife in its natural habitat.

Anyway, the 10 day cruise was just fantastic and I was able to take wonderful landscape and wildlife photos that you can see in the Arctic gallery. Also worth mentioning, a professional photographer was part of the expedition team. In this case it was “Jackie” Jacqueline Deely who was doing some talks but more important helping every passionate photographer on board with advice and tools. Additionally some of the inspiration to restart my photography homepage and blog is due to her. Thanks Jackie!

More to come …

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